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Include fully-featured counters
on your web pages.

Include fully-featured counters on your web site to count visitors to your pages. FastVirtual's counter system logs unique IP addresses only and includes advanced features such as time and date stamps, time zone configuration and digit formatting. More than 700 counter styles are currently available.

A counter sample is available:

Counter Sample

How to Add Counters

Follow these simple steps to add a counter to a web page:

  1. Create your new counter.
  2. Select a counter style.
  3. Add the counter code to the page you wish to count.

Create Your New Counter

Visit the "Hosting" area of your account control panel, select "Free CGI" and click "Manage counters". Enter a name for your new counter, and click "Create".

Note: As you can configure multiple counters, choose a name that identifies the page you are counting (i.e. homepage, news_page, etc.).

Select a Counter Style

There are over 700 counter styles to choose from. From the "Hosting" area of your account control panel, select "Free CGI" and click "Free Counter Styles". Once you've found the counter style you wish to use, make a note of the style name.

Add the Counter Code to Your Page

To add the counter to your web page, simply include the following code in the page body (where "yourname" is your actual domain name, "countername" is the name you gave to your counter, and "counterstyle" is the counter style you wish to use):

<IMG SRC="/cgi-t/counter?">

For example, if your domain name was "", you named your counter "home", and you selected the counter style "candy", then the code would be as follows:

<IMG SRC="/cgi-t/counter?">

Adding, Editing and Deleting Counters

You can add new counters, edit existing counters, or delete counters that are no longer required, by visiting the "Hosting" area of your account control panel, and selecting "Manage counters".

Customizing Counters

Many counter features can be customized. For details of all available counter parameters, please see Counter Parameters.

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